
User Guide


Add different types of tasks for Ice Bear to keep track of in a Task List.

Mark the tasks as done, delete them, and undo actions as you please!

Adding Tasks

There are different types of tasks you can ask Ice Bear to keep track of.

They are Events, Deadlines, and To Do tasks!

Add a Deadline Task - deadline <description> /by <Date> <Time>.

One of the tasks that Ice Bear can keep track of are Deadline Tasks.

Example of usage: deadline Shop for Groceries /by 23/11/2019 1430

Expected outcome:

Got it. Ice Bear has added this task:
  [D][✘] Shop for Groceries (by: 23rd of November 2019, 2:30pm)
Now you have 1 task in the list.

Add an Event Task - event <description> /at <Date> <Time>.

Another type of task that Ice Bear can keep track of are Event Tasks.

Example of usage: event Chloe's Birthday Party /at 9/8/2019 1700

Expected outcome:

Got it. Ice Bear has added this task:
  [E][✘] Chloe's Birthday Party (at: 9th of August 2019, 5:00pm)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

Add a Todo Task - todo <description>.

The last type of task that Ice Bear can keep track of are Todo Tasks.

Example of usage: todo Clean up the fridge

Expected outcome:

Got it. Ice Bear has added this task:
  [T][✘] Clean up the fridge
Now you have 3 tasks in the list.

View and Edit the List of Tasks

Now that tasks have been added to the list, let’s have a look at them, and see how we can make changes to our task list!

View the List of Tasks - list

This command allows you to view the task list as a whole.

Each task is assigned a number based on its position in the list. These numbers are used to perform other list commands.

Example of usage: list

Example of outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
  1. [D][✘] Shop for Groceries (by: 23rd of November 2019, 2:30pm)
  2. [E][✘] Chloe's Birthday Party (at: 9th of August 2019, 5:00pm)
  3. [T][✘] Clean up the fridge

Deleting Tasks - delete <task ID>

This command allows you to delete tasks from the task list, based on its index (1-based).

This index can be obtained from the result when you type the list command.

After the deletion of a task, all tasks

Example of usage: delete 1

Example of outcome:


Here are the tasks in your list:
  1. [D][✘] Shop for Groceries (by: 23rd of November 2019, 2:30pm)
  2. [E][✘] Chloe's Birthday Party (at: 9th of August 2019, 5:00pm)
  3. [T][✘] Clean up the fridge

delete 1

Ice Bear has removed this task:
  [D][✘] Shop for Groceries (by: 23rd of November 2019, 2:30pm)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.


Here are the tasks in your list:
  1. [E][✘] Chloe's Birthday Party (at: 9th of August 2019, 5:00pm)
  2. [T][✘] Clean up the fridge

###Mark as Done - done <Task ID>

Ice Bear allows you to keep track of how much you have achieved in the task list. This means you can mark a task as done, and this status is viewable in the task list.

Example of usage: delete 1

Example of outcome:


Here are the tasks in your list:
  1. [E][✘] Chloe's Birthday Party (at: 9th of August 2019, 5:00pm)
  2. [T][✘] Clean up the fridge

done 1

Okay. Ice Bear marked this task as done:
  [E][✓] Chloe's Birthday Party (at: 9th of August 2019, 5:00pm)


Here are the tasks in your list:
  1. [E][✓] Chloe's Birthday Party (at: 9th of August 2019, 5:00pm)
  2. [T][✘] Clean up the fridge

###Undo a Command - undo

If you have made a change that you did not intend to make, this command will enable you to undo that change. Furthermore, previous actions can also be undone using this command.

Example of usage:


Here are the tasks in your list:
  1. [D][✘] Shop for Groceries (by: 23rd of November 2019, 2:30pm)
  2. [E][✘] Chloe's Birthday Party (at: 9th of August 2019, 5:00pm)
  3. [T][✘] Clean up the fridge

delete 1

Ice Bear has removed this task:
  [D][✘] Shop for Groceries (by: 23rd of November 2019, 2:30pm)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.


Here are the tasks in your list:
  1. [E][✘] Chloe's Birthday Party (at: 9th of August 2019, 5:00pm)
  2. [T][✘] Clean up the fridge


Ice bear has successfully undone the previous action.


Here are the tasks in your list:
  1. [D][✘] Shop for Groceries (by: 23rd of November 2019, 2:30pm)
  2. [E][✘] Chloe's Birthday Party (at: 9th of August 2019, 5:00pm)
  3. [T][✘] Clean up the fridge

##Find a Task

Ice Bear also allows you to search for tasks in the list based on their name.


Here are the tasks in your list:
  1. [D][✘] Shop for Groceries (by: 23rd of November 2019, 2:30pm)
  2. [E][✘] Chloe's Birthday Party (at: 9th of August 2019, 5:00pm)
  3. [T][✘] Clean up the fridge

find Chloe

Ice Bear has found these matching tasks in the list:
  1. [E][✘] Chloe's Birthday Party (at: 9th of August 2019, 5:00pm)